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College Credit Plus

College Credit Plus 1


BHS 2025-26 CCP Program Guide

BHS 2025-26 Intent to Participate Form*

BHS 2025-26 Mature Content Permission Forms*

BHS 2025-26 - Statement of Responsibility Form*

BHS 2025-26 CCP Course Information Sheet*

BHS 2025-26 CCP Letter to Families

*Required Paperwork is due to the Guidance Office before March 28, 2025 to participate in College Credit Plus during the 2025-26 Academic Year. 

For more information: Contact Paula Shaw, BHS CCP Coordinator and Guidance Counselor at or 937-593-0545

IMPORTANT DATES for 2025-26 School Year

2025-2026 CCP Counseling Session Presentation

Parent Advising Meetings

December 4, 2024 at 6:30 pm or January 30, 2025 at 6:00 pm in the HS DLC
January 30, 2025 at 6:00 pm for Middle School parents in the HS DLC

Student Advising Meetings (or student could attend a parent meeting)
December 4, 2024 current 9th Graders in the DLC during A/I
December 5, 2024 current 10th & 11th Graders and Make-ups in the DLC during A/I
January 30 & 31, 2025 for Middle School Students during Chieftain Time



Through the College Credit Plus program, eligible students can take a course and earn high school and college credit that appears on both their high school and college transcripts.  Students can participate in a college’s Summer Term or Fall or Spring Semester.

There is no cost to students to participate in the College Credit Plus program when the student is enrolled in a public college or university and earning both high school and college credit.  Students choosing to enroll in a participating private college or university might incur costs.  Additionally, economically disadvantaged students who choose to attend a nonpublic college or university can do so at no cost.

To participate in the College Credit Plus program, the student must meet the state of Ohio’s eligibility requirements for the program as well as his or her college or university of choice's standards for admission and course placement.  The student and his or her parents must also participate in a counseling session provided by the district and submit a “Letter of intent to participate in CCP” and a “Statement of responsibility” by March 28th of the prior school year.

The District will not limit a student's participation in the College Credit Plus program to only the courses offered in the high school.  Students may also participate online or at any other participating college or university, or any combination thereof.  Students may also concurrently enroll in multiple colleges and universities and may take courses from such institutions concurrently.  If students participating in the CCP program should transfer high school’s it is the student’s responsibility to inform both high schools, as well as the participating college or university, about the transfer.

COLLEGE CREDIT PLUS COURSES POTENTIALLY OFFERED AT BHS (): English I, English II, Introduction to Literature, American Literature, College Algebra, Pre Calculus, Fundamentals of Biology, Engineering Design, Architecture I (Civil Engineering), Automation & Robotics, Spanish I (level 3), Spanish II (level 4), Introduction to Business, Business Finance, Legal Environment of Business, Human Resources Management, Marketing Management, Promotion & IMC Strategies, Organizational Behavior, Business Communication, Introduction to Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Principles of Microeconomics, Principles of Macroeconomics

 Students should review the BHS CCP Program Guide, BHS Course Catalog, or Course Catalog of participating colleges and universities for a full listing of course offerings.


How do I transfer my college credits?