As the Guidance Department receives information about scholarships available to students, we post them to the following page for student's consideration:
Local Scholarships for Seniors
The following are the scholarship applications available to Bellefontaine High School seniors. These are current as of January 16, 2025. To access the scholarships click on the title of the application to access a PDF, Google Doc or website where the application is located. In some cases, you will be able to type in the information, and in other cases you will need to print the application and fill it in by hand. Once completed, you will need to return the application and any requested attachments to the designated location.
Click HERE to access the powerpoint from the Local Scholarship meeting that was held on January 16th.
Updates: Any scholarships added after January 16, 2025 will be posted and linked in this section with the date it was added.
LOGAN COUNTY CATTLE ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP- (added 1/24/25)- These scholarships range between $250 and $1,000. Applicants must be the child of a beef producer or be directly engaged in the production or promotion of beef. Parent/guardian must be an active member of the Logan County Cattle Association. Applicants must be a Logan County resident or attend a Logan County school. Deadline: March 21
LOGAN COUNTY DAIRY SCHOLARSHIP- (added 1/24/25)- Two $1,000 scholarships awarded by the Logan County Dairy Association and will be paid to the recipient in August of the award year with proof of acceptance to college or trade school. Applications must meet one of the following criteria: anyone involved in a dairy operation, anyone working on a farm, or anyone that works with marketing dairy products. Deadline: April 1.
KATHY DETWILER MEMORIAL NURSING SCHOLARSHIP- (added 1/27/25)- This one year scholarship is for a BHS student pursuing a career in nursing. It is given in honor of Kathy Detwiler, by her family and friends. Kathy was a nurse for more than 30 years. Kathy never lost her love of learning and pursued her dream of becoming a nurse later in life. As a RN, Kathy worked in many capacities from surgical nursing to becoming the Director of Nursing for insurance companies. She was especially proud to help many seniors to stay in their homes. This $1,000 scholarship is given to aid another aspiring nurse achieve their goal. Deadline: March 11.
BHS COMMON FORM APPLICATION- 24 scholarships are included on the BHS Common Form Application. Click the link to access the application. Note: Only one transcript needs to be submitted with the BHS Common Form. Deadline: March 11.
LOGAN COUNTY EDUCATION FOUNDATION COMMON FORM APPLICATION- 25 scholarships are on the LCEF Common Form. Two Letters of Recommendation are required to be directly submitted to LCEF from your recommenders by February 21. Applications are due to the BHS Guidance Office by February 25.
THE FOLLOWING SCHOLARSHIPS USE THEIR OWN APPLICATION: Please click on the link for each scholarship to access their application. Applications will be linked as they become available.
- 40 & 8 NURSING SCHOLARSHIP. These scholarships are given to a student for their first year in college, for nursing only. This is a county wide scholarship available to all Logan COunty schools. Deadline: April 1.
- AMERICAN LEGION/HAROLD KERR UNIT #173 SCHOLARSHIPS. These scholarships will be awarded to assist students in their freshman year in college. They will be awarded by a committee of the American legion. Deadline: April 1 by 5:00 pm.
- AMERICAN LEGION AUXILARY/HAROLD KERR UNIT #173 SCHOLARSHIPS. These scholarships will be awarded to Logan County students who are children or grandchildren of a veteran who served in World War I or II, Korean Conflict, or in the Vietnam Era, Grenada, or Desert Storm. Students must be in actual need of help to continue their education. Deadline: April 1.
- BCYSA TAMMY ELKINS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP. This scholarship in memory of Tammy Elkins is awarded by the Bellefontaine City Youth Soccer Association. Applicants must have played for BCYSA league for a minimum of four (4) years to qualify and be a BHS Senior attending a two- or four- year college or university in the fall. Deadline: March 11.
- BELLEFONTAINE HIGH SCHOOL FCCLA SCHOLARSHIP. The BHS FCCLA scholarship(s) is available to any BHS senior who has been an FCCLA member all 4 years in high school and held an officer position. Students must have a 3.o GPA or higher. The amount of the scholarship varies from year to year. Deadline: March 1.
- BELLEFONTAINE LIONS CLUB SCHOLARSHIP. These scholarships will be awarded to graduating seniors to assist in their first year of a two or four-year institution. It is required to attach a statement about yourself, your educational goals, activities, awards and honors. Consideration may be given to applicants with Lions Club affiliation, but is not required. Applicants must live within the Bellefontaine City Schools District. Deadline: March 11.
- BELLEFONTAINE MOOSE TIMOTHY MOORE & RICHARD L. SHARON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS. Applicants need NOT have any affiliation with the Moose to apply. All youth graduating in 2025 are welcome to submit an application regardless of whether or not you have a family member who is a current member of any Moose club. The applicant must be graduating in the high school class of 2025 and must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. A brief essay about yourself and your goals needs to be attached. Deadline: April 14.
- BELLEFONTAINE PROFESSIONAL FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP. These scholarships are worth approximately $500 and will be paid at the competition of the first quarter/semester of school. This scholarship is awarded to high school or GED graduating students of the same year or one year prior to application date. Preference will be given to anyone entering the public safety or health & medical fields. This scholarship is available to Logan County residents only. Scholarships will be awarded based upon scholastic merit, economic need, and goals in life. A minimum C average is required. Deadline: Before 5:00 pm on April 14.
- BELLEFONTAINE ROTARY CLUB SCHOLARSHIPS. These scholarships are valued at $1,000 and are available to graduating seniors who are residents of Logan County. Applicants must have a 3.5 GPA or higher. Selection will be based on merit, community service, and extracurricular activities by a committee of Rotary Club members. Applications will be completed online through the following site: Deadline: January 27.
- BELLEFONTAINE USBC BOWLING ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP. One $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a student for study at either a two- or four- year school. Applicants may qualify one of two ways: 1. Must have an immediate family member belonging to the Bellefontaine USBC Bowling Association (parent, grandparent, brother or sister); 2. Must be a member of a local high school bowling team and have completed at least one full season. Deadline: March 17.
- FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE HI-POINT LODGE #60 SCHOLARSHIP. These $500 scholarships will be awarded by the FOP Lodge #60. This is to assist students in the first year of either a two or four-year school, and some preference is given to those planning to enter a law enforcement, community, or social service field. A photo must be attached to the application. These scholarships will be awarded by a special committee of the FOP. Scholarship money must be utilized/cashed by the end of the first year of college after graduating high school. Deadline: March 31.
- HAUSHALTER FAMILY FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP. The Haushalter Family Foundation strives to help individuals achieve their academic and education dreams. This scholarship grant varies in value but will be between $5,000 and $10,000 per year for four consecutive years. The amount of funds granted will be determined, in part, on the responses set forth on the application. Deadline: March 20.
- BRUCE E. HIGHAM MEMORIAL FULL SCHOLARSHIP. This scholarship is a 4-year full ride scholarship that is awarded each year by the Jamestown Area Foundation to an outstanding male senior. This scholarship includes tuition, room, board, meals, books and various other college expenses. Applicants must be a male graduating from Bellefontaine High School who has applied and been accepted to a state school in Ohio for the fall semester of 2025. Applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA. Deadline: February 27 by 12:00 pm (noon).
- ZACHARIAH W. KELLER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP. This $1,000 scholarship is in memory of 206 Bellefontaine High School graduate, Zack Keller. GPA and financial need will be considered. A brief statement about you, your goals for the future , and how this scholarship will help achieve your goals is required. Special consideration will be made to members of the BHS Bowling Team. Deadline: April 11.
- LOGAN COUNTY 4-H COMMITTEE SCHOLARSHIP. Scholarships valued at $500 each for students who are currently members of the Logan County 4-H and have completed their projects for the current year will be awarded. The students must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher and be enrolled in a two or four-year undergraduate college program or technical college program for the academic year. Deadline: April 1.
- LOGAN COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CHILDREN OF MEMBERS SCHOLARSHIPS. Applicants for these scholarships must be a son, daughter or legal ward or resident in the household of Logan County Electric Cooperative members. Students must have a 3.5 GPA or better and be enrolled in an accredited college or proper technical school in the fall. Applicants must be a graduating senior from public high school in Logan County; or reside in Logan County; and attend a Logan County school or school with contiguous boundaries to Logan County. Scholarship amount is determined by place achieved in the scholarship competition. Applications must be typed and can be accessed at Deadline: February 28.
- KRISTA MCDONALD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP. This $500 scholarship began in 2018 and is awarded by the Fraternal order of Police Hi Point Lodge 60 in memory of Krista McDonald who was tragically killed on October 14, 2017 when the ambulance she was driving was struck by another vehicle that failed to stop at a stop sign. This scholarship will be awarded to a student with a 3.0 GPA or higher seeking further education to pursue a career in criminal justice or public safety. A 300-word essay explaining why you feel you are eligible and what your career aspirations are and a wallet sized photograph are required. Deadline: March 31.
- JAMES FORSYTHE MILROY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP. This $2,500 non-renewable scholarship is available to students in Logan County, Ohio, desirous of serving advanced agricultural education or an agriculturally-related (such as Environmental Studies, Applied Nutrition, etc.) field in any Ohio educational institution. Deadline: April 1.
- SUSIE PARKER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP. At least one $500 (minimum) scholarship will be awarded to a BHS graduating senior who has at least a 3.0 GPA and who has been accepted to an accredited four-year college or university in Ohio. The scholarship must be used for tuition only. This scholarship is awarded by the Logan County District Board of trustees. Deadline: First Monday in April.
- MARY RUTAN FOUNDATION MEDICAL SCHOLARSHIPS. These scholarships ranging from $500-$2,500 are for Logan County residents and students who have been officially accepted into a medical career program (i.e. medicine, nursing, pharmacy, allied medical). Please Note: Applicants enrolled in PRE-programs (pre-medicine, pre-nursing, or pre-allied medicine) do NOT qualify. Applications can be accessed at Scholarship recipient selections will be made in late May. Deadline: April 1.
- SKILLED TRADES SCHOLARSHIP FROM THE HAUSHALTER FAMILY FOUNDATION. This scholarship is valued at up to $1,000 to a graduating high school senior who plans to advance into higher education at an accredited educational, trade or technical school in a job/trade/skill training program that takes 2 to 24 months. Deadline: March 20.
- GUNNERY SERGEANT DAVID S. SPICER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP. Gunnery Spicer was a proud marine who loved his country and his family. On July 13, 2009, Gunnery Spicer was killed in action fighting in Afghanistan. This scholarship is valued at $1,000 and will be awarded to a Logan County graduating senior. Applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA. All students are encouraged to apply as well as those attending a college through an ROTC program. Deadline: March 11.
- VFW POST 1080 AUXILIARY SCHOLARSHIPS. These $1,000 scholarships will be awarded on the basis of leadership, financial need, character, and scholastic ability. Applicants must have been accepted to a two- year or four-year college, technical school or vocational school. Deadline: March 30.
Other Scholarships for Seniors
The BHS Guidance Department will update available scholarships periodically as information becomes available.
Students are encouraged to use scholarship search engines to connect with many external scholarships they may be eligible for. Below are a few sites students can use:
- Raise.Me
- State Grants and Scholarships
Disclaimer: The BHS Guidance Department does not knowingly provide information from fraudulent scholarship agencies, however, unfortunately, such organizations do exist. To learn more about how to spot a scholarship scam please visit